Ghana Welcomes You

This was going to be my second time in Ghana in a matter of nine months, and it made it no less exciting. I was actually more nervous this time because this was Destination Own’s longest, largest, and furthest trip to date. Destination Own is my Real Estate and Travel company that hosts tours all around the world for clients looking to move or invest in different destinations. The first trip to Ghana was as a part of a delegation from Ebony Magazine, which included  the CEO of Ebony,  one of the founders of the Year of Return and CEO of the Adinkrah Group, and the CEO of a brand marketing company Kelly Maven Media. This time it was all about me, all about Destination Own.

We followed the same general footprints that many tour groups so while visiting Ghana. Kumasi first, then Cape Coast and Elmina, and finally ending up back in Accra for the remainder of our stay. This time our tour guide was an American transplant to Ghana, his company Akwasi’s Cultural Travel & Tours is a perfect blend between Ghanaian temperament and the American sensibilities that we were familiar with. Rather than drive the four hours from Accra, I decided we would take a regional flight on Passion Air which only cost between $50-$80 depending on your preferences. The flight time, 45 minutes! When in Kumasi, we stayed at the Golden Tulip Kumasi City a four star hotel located close to important historical and cultural sites. It is in Kumasi where you learn about the beginnings of the powerful Ashanti Kingdom that Ghana was born from and is represented to this day. Before leaving Kumasi we were able to gain an understanding of the cultural make up of the Ghanaian people of that region through history, food, music, and experience  everyday life in the markets and neighborhood and property tours.

The four hour road trip back to Accra was transformed into a four day adventure taking in historic and cultural sites along the way. We stayed at a guesthouse on the beach in Elmina where you can hear the waves crashing throughout the night. During the day, we took on as much as we could from a nature hike above the trees, to adinkra stamping and kente cloth making, we made our way to the somber sites of the Slave Dungeons. Located in both Cape Coast and Elmina, nothing can prepare you for the experience of standing on the shores of where our ancestors were once taken against their will never to return again. The only solice at that moment is the fact that, “I am here, I am back.” Then, breathe deep.

As the road trip continued, we checked out a few more properties on the way whilw learning about real estate opportunities purchasing properties and land. It wasn’t until we hit a wall of traffic that we realized we had made it back to Accra. If you haven’t heard by now via the Year if Return, Accra is what you call, “lit as hell!” Sure , you have some areas that are very rural and some shanty areas, but for the most part Accra is a Real Estate gem. With a choice of high rise condos, apartment (luxury and otherwise), town houses, estate homes, you name it. When it comes to real estate, there is something for everyone in Accra. While staying in Accra, we opted for AirBNBs in the Airport Residential section for it’s proximity to many tourist attractions and major thoroughfares making it easy to see many nearby neighborhoods of interest. Airport Residential is one of many highly coveted areas in Accra with both apartment complexes and luxurious estate homes that can reach upwards of one million USD.  With Oh, you didn’t know that homes in Ghana were worth that much? Absolutely, Ghana’s housing market is a vibrant marketplace with many opportunities for every budget.

All in all, Ghana is a beautiful country worth exploring further. Be it as a tourist, or expatriate, as stated before Ghana has something for everyone and now with “Beyond the Return” the continuation of the sentiment and festivities of the Year of Return. Ghana is open and eager to welcome us all home.

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